This work is the result of an initially named "Tokyo Eukaryote" attempt at direct double exposure on a sensor in Tokyo. The goal was to mediate the feeling experienced in this megalopolis, which is more green, organic, and human than it is concrete and supposedly technological and lifeless. In short, it was a point of view that aimed to go against a personal stereotype that, as I noticed, was also very present among French visitors to Japan. I often heard, after saying it myself, "We'll avoid Tokyo, the concrete and technology-filled megalopolises are not our thing, we want to see the authentic Japan".
This series "Tokyo Eukaryote" was produced with a Nikon D810 camera in direct double exposure, without any retouching done on the photos. The aesthetic result is interesting, but in the art market, portfolio magazines, and artistic photography competitions, it was a total failure.
I loved doing this work and decided to continue with more versatility in everyday life. I used the equivalent of a 2010's smartphone, an iPod Touch, which is similar to an iPhone 4S released in 2011. Technically, the photos are 8 megapixels, which is small compared to the D810's 36 megapixels. Yet, this versatility, this exercise done almost daily, allowed me to sharpen the visual grammar of this work.
The choice to classify the works by date results from this daily obsession with chasing stereotypes, those flaws that must either disappear to amaze us or be used to create French comedies capable of making a democratically acceptable portion of the population laugh.
Visit the site with all the artwork from "Les eukaryotes" project.